What's Cannafitness? Cannafitness is a lifestyle that merges unique cannabis strains with a custom workout routine to create the best workout experience. Improving the overall quality of your life. When you use cannabis before exercising, your body activates runner's high with intensity. Runner's high gives you that second wind to continue exercising, after feeling like you can't do any more reps, or continue the cardio exercise. The Cannafitness Program by RHW is a special online personal training program. Experience unique cannabis strains that will enhance your workouts, and help with post workout recovery. When you incorporate SDS90 workouts with unique cannabis strains, you will get the best weight lifting workouts and life-changing results in the least amount of time possible. As your personal Cannafitness trainer, my job is to make sure you have the best workout experience every time you hit the gym, while getting life-changing results as fast as possible. In addition to your workouts, you will have a personalized high quality nutrition plan. Your nutrition plan is based on your lifestyle, flavor preferences, eating habits, etc. When you follow the Cannafitness program by Real Health Wellness, you will get life-changing results, or your money back guaranteed! Elevate To The Cannafitness Program By Real Health Wellness Today!
Free for first week
After completing your first week, your subscription will continue at $325 per week. NOTE: the first week free apply only to new customers.